Your team is writing a fancy new text editor and you've been tasked with implementing the line numbering.
Write a function which takes a list of strings and returns each line prepended by the correct number.
The numbering starts at 1. The format is n: string. Notice the colon and space in between.
Examples: (Input --> Output)
[] --> []
["a", "b", "c"] --> ["1: a", "2: b", "3: c"]
(ns line-numbers-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[line-numbers :refer :all]))
(defn tester [lines exp]
(testing (str "Testing for " lines)
(is (= (number lines) exp))))
(deftest basic-tests
(tester [] [])
(tester ["a" "b" "c"] ["1: a" "2: b" "3: c"])
(tester ["" "" "" "" ""] ["1: " "2: " "3: " "4: " "5: "]))
(ns line-numbers)
(defn number [lines]
(map #(str (inc (.indexOf lines %)) ": " %) lines)
可惡,卡在 vector 中出現重複 string 的情境,可能要理解 loop
來使用了,不能用 .indexOf